The view is great down here

Here I was lying on the floor, drinking lemon water and contemplating the meaning of life with my pup. Because, that’s what you do at 7:30 in the morning- you drink something that burns your throat, because it’s good for you, and talk life with your dog.

It’s so incredible how easy it is to get caught up, in everything. It’s so incredibly easy to forget that everything is temporary.

I’ve always been so caught up in the fact that if I was feeling sad, that obviously meant that my life was bad and needed change. But i’m learning that sadness is a human emotion, just like happiness and anger. Just because I feel sad sometimes, doesn’t mean that I need some monumental change to occur in my life. I just have to acknowledge that at the moment this pain and sadness is needed in my life. Sometimes I need to fall down to gain a better perspective of where I am and who I am, and to grow as a person.

Tomorrow, I may wake up feeling completely blissful and grateful to be alive. This is a feeling that must be treasured and cared for, because it is also temporary. I may wake up tomorrow engulfed in my sadness, and not care that I ever typed these words.

The fact that everything is so temporary is scary, but it is also freeing. It’s freeing to know that when all of the stars have fallen out of the midnight sky that I will get another chance at daybreak.

Every day, every hour, every minute, every second you get another chance.

Keep growing.